NeuroEpigenEthics Online Interdisciplinary Workshop: Rachel Rosen & Judith Suissa – To whom does the future belong?

Please join us for this Interdisciplinary Workshop to discuss the paper ‘Children, parents and non-parents: to whom does ‘the future’ belong?’ (2020) with its authors Rachel Rosen and Judith Suissa.


Narratives of ‘the future’ shape action, and the idea that certain members of society have more of a claim to ‘the future’ than others has received explicit articulation from academics, political commentators and journalists. Children are often viewed as the embodiment of ‘the future’, with parents positioned as having unique stakes in ‘the future’, particularly in comparison to non-parents. Asserting one agent’s rights to ‘the future’ inevitably undercuts another’s, and marginalised groups may be held responsible for the state of ‘the future’ but rendered unable to speak about it. In contrast, we argue that ‘the future’ is not the private possession of exclusionary subject positions or reductive political imaginaries which reduce the possible to a continuation of capitalist ethno-nations. Instead, we propose to understand futures as a collective intergenerational endeavour involving critical reflection on the present in order to challenge injustices in the present and enact evaluable changes. Doing so requires nothing short of a radical reimagining and remaking of childhood, (non)parenthood and adult‐child relations.

The paper can be accessed here.

Rachel Rosen is Associate Professor in Sociology of Childhood at the Institute of Education of the University College London (UCL).

Judith Suissa is Professor of Philosophy of Education at the UCL Institute of Education.

picture of a teenager holding up a protest sign that reads 'save our future'
Source: Marcus Spiske via


Rachel Rosen and Judith Suissa will each give a short introduction to their paper. They will pull out some of its key concepts and formulate some possible questions for discussion. Their introduction will be followed by a diverse array of short responses by the following scholars:

Harriet Bergman (UAntwerp)
Leni Van Goidsenhoven (UAntwerp)
Lisanne Meinen (UAntwerp)
Stefan Ramaekers (KU Leuven)

There will be plenty of room for a lively exchange of ideas and perspectives between the authors, respondents, and participants.


This workshop will take place online through Zoom. Attendance is free.
To register for the event please send an email to Emma Moormann ( Those who have registered will receive a link to the Zoom meeting room shortly before the event.

Date: Tuesday, November 17th, 2020
Time: 14:00-15:30 CEST