Scratching a brick wall

Katrien Schaubroeck and Leni Van Goidsenhoven
(Centre for Ethics, University of Antwerp)
Original blog: A* Antwerp Gender & Sexuality Studies Network

On February 18th, on Audre Lorde’s birthday (to whom the lecture was dedicated), feminist killjoy Sara Ahmed talked to a full Kaaitheater about doors. More precisely about closing, slamming, hitting doors. The title of her lecture was “Closing the door. Complaint as diversity work.” She did not only talk about closing doors, but also about revolving doors, about brick walls and long corridors. She talked about how doors can be slammed upon you when you try to enter as being invited but not welcomed, or how you can feel trapped in a revolving door, hit by a brick wall, and disoriented in endless corridors.

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